June Obsessions

Hey y'all. Long time no blog, I know. Life just has a horrible habit of getting in the way of things. Anyway, today I want to share with you my obsessions for the month of June. These are the things that I absolutely adored and couldn't live without. I love hearing about other people's monthly obsessions because they give me great ideas of new products to try. So, I hope that some of these things are helpful to you as well. I've categorized them to make it a little bit more organized (because we all know how much I love that word). So let's start with...

1. Freeman Facial Anti-Stress Mask: I use this a few times per week and it makes my skin feel so smooth afterwards! 2. Maybelline Rocket Volume Express Mascara: This works wonders for my nonexistent eyelashes. I actually tried this because so many YouTubers raved about it. 3. Elf Precision Liquid Eyeliner: Maybe because it's the first liquid liner that I've ever tried, but this stuff is truly amazing. It "gives me wings." 4. Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure in Get Juiced (400): Sally Hansen is my favorite nail polish brand. This is my favorite color yet!
These cotton nightshirts from Victoria's Secret are so comfortable and perfect for summer. They are loose fitting and extremely breathable. I got two during their beloved Semi-Annual Sale.
This kimono that I got from a store back home is really just the bees-knees. I wear it way too much but it just makes me feel so much more fabulous than I really am. 

I saw this movie for the first time the other night on Netflix and absolutely fell in love with it. Angelina Jolie never fails to amaze me in all of her genius-ness. If you haven't seen it and you have a Netflix account I definitely recommend watching this one.
Reading Divergent and The Fault in Our Stars pretty much makes me basic. But I had to read them because the movies were coming out, right? I never actually got to see Divergent but I did see The Fault in Our Stars and word to the wise if you want to see this tearjerker: Bring a box of tissues, candy to eat away your emotions, and a nice manly shoulder to cry on. You're welcome.
When it comes to Iggy Azalea, you either love her or you hate her. Well obviously I love her. I have yet to download her entire album off of iTunes but her songs "Work" and "Bounce" are possibly the best booty poppin' songs I've heard all year.
I have to admit, embarassingly, that I used to be a HUGE fan of wild and crazy Nicki Minaj who always looked like a box of Crayola crayons exploded on her. Recently, however, she has toned down her look and I think I love her even more than I did in highschool. This song has my heart for sure!
Okay last but not least, a really good friend of mine recently started a YouTube channel. She has some really good tips and she's really funny. And did I mention how gorgeous she is? But you all can see that for yourselves. Be sure to check out her videos! <-- click on the word to get to her channel.

This post has already been long enough so I'm not going to bore you with some kind of amazing witty outro. Let me know what you've been loving for the month of June and maybe they will pop up in my obsessions next month. Happy July!

The College Natural

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