Reinventing The Blog

Say goodbye to The College Natural and hello to Tenacious Mon'e! I have a had a really good run with TCN but I think it's time for me to move on. For one thing, I will soon be graduating from college and a huge aspect of my blog title has to do with me being an undergrad. Another reason behind the name change is a refresher of who I am as a person. I am still the same awkward, goofy girl woman but now I have a career and new priorities. As crazy as it sounds, I will soon be an independent working woman. I still can't believe it myself. With all of these changes around here, I thought the least I could do is explain to you all what the new name/theme really means...

tenacious |təˈnāSHəs
adjective: determined; persistence in existence; not easily dispelled 
If anyone knows how to pronounce my first name (which most of you may not), you would know that it has an extreme similarity to the word above. I always thought it was ironic how my name mirrored the word "tenacious" but they were not connected in any way. What's even more ironic is the how my personality embodies the meaning of the word as well. I pride myself in my determination and persistence to succeed and work hard for everything that I have. And of course there is my middle name Mon'e (pronounced mo-nay or Monet like the French painter). And it doesn't stop there... The arrow depicted in my header has a pretty significant connotation as well. Although it doesn't seem like my life has many difficulties, what one may consider difficult could be something completely meaningless to another. Don't get me wrong, my life is amazing. I am blessed beyond measure. But there are difficulties hiding in corners and lurking in the shadows. I chose the arrow to be a part of the new blog to signify that no matter what struggles may arise throughout the remainder of my life, I will continue to focus and keep aiming at the bigger picture: happiness.  So that is where this reinvention came from. It's not some pointless New Year's Resolution. This is a testament to myself and my goals with the blog and the rest of my life. I have a ton of great ideas and goals that I can't wait to enact within this site. I can't wait for you all to be here to witness it. 

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