Spring Clean Your Life

If you're anything like me, right now you are surfing the web because of lack of planning. It's Spring Break Week (or it's quickly approaching) and you have absolutely nothing to do. Yeah, you can go home and visit your family but that's most likely going to get old quick. You can go out clubbing and turn up seven nights out of the week, but I don't think our livers can handle that kind of attention. How about doing something productive, like getting a head start on spring cleaning?

Spring technically isn't for another two weeks (March 20th for those of you who don't know) but it's never too early to start your spring cleaning. Spring cleaning is a way to start fresh for the new season. Spring has always been the season of new beginnings and being reborn. I like to use this time to declutter not only my physical space, but my mental space as well. It's nice to have a clear and open mind as well as a clear and open room. Here are my tips on how to get started with doing both...

Make a list.
I am the Queen of Lists. I make lists for everything. Literally, everything. Whether or not I use those lists is another story. Making a list of the things that you would like to accomplish in your spring cleaning session(s) is very important so that you don't leave anything out. There's nothing worse than collapsing on the couch after a long day of cleaning then remembering that you forgot to declutter your bathroom sink. You're probably going to be too tired to get to it and it's never going to get done. 

Get inspired.
This may be the most important part for me. I use Instagram and YouTube especially to get inspired and motivated to make changes. As boring as they may sound, "Clean With Me" videos really get me going. And looking at pictures of beautiful rooms in gorgeous homes just makes me want to get on the level of the social media gurus. 

Start small.
Some recommend to tackle the biggest thing on your list first. I'm the complete opposite. There's nothing more satisfying to me than checking something off of my to do list as completed. If you start small and handle the little things first, you will feel like you are accomplishing more and get motivated to keep going. 

Ask yourself the three questions.
Everyone is a hoarder in one way or another. There will always be those things that are simply impossible to let go of, whether they are clothes or other possessions. Before I throw something out, sell it or give it away I always ask myself these three questions:
  • When is the last time I used this?
  • Do I still like the way this functions/looks?
  • Am I going to use it again?
You have to ask yourself these questions honestly and try not to sugarcoat anything otherwise, you won't get rid of a quarter of the possessions you need to. 

Take time to appreciate everything.
Getting rid of material things or mindsets is never an easy task for anyone. Maybe there are memories that went along with that purple sweater that's been collecting dust in the back of your closet. Maybe you have "always" looked at the world in one specific way. Don't make changes lightly. Take time to appreciate what you have before it's gone. Not only will it make the process easier, it will prevent you from the regret later on. 

Slow and steady wins the race.
Give yourself time to get everything done on your list. Don't expect to finish it all in one day. A spring cleaning is supposed to be a process not a race. Take a few days, a week or even a month to get it all done. The more time, the more thorough it will be and the happier you will be in the long run.

I hope these tips helped you out at least a little bit. Spring cleaning is my favorite time of year (when it's over) because everything looks fresh and clean and I feel like it's a brand new start. Don't you just love new things? Happy cleaning!

Leave any spring cleaning tips you have in the comments section below! 

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