Sarah Belle Meetup at Petal Boutique!

So I know that I have been incognito the past week after promising posts on Sunday and Tuesday. But hopefully this surprise post will help me regain your trust in my dedication to this blog and you guys! This post was definitely one that was needed because I got the chance to meet the amazing Sarah Belle today at Petal Boutique in Charlotte! I was contemplating whether or not I wanted to go because all of my friends are out of town or working so I would have to go alone. But after waking up this morning and watching some of her YouTube videos, I said what the heck and went anyway.

Boy am I glad that I did. Although I was definitely an awko taco, I think that it was a success. I mean I did get a picture with her and it re-inspired me to get back on the ball with this blog. Sarah was the YouTuber that sparked my interest in beauty gurus and YouTube in general. You can say that she was the cause for my addiction. After seeing all of the girls there to see her in all of her fabulousness all I could think was "This is going to be me one day." I am even more excited and pumped for this blog to blow up and to hopefully one day start my own YouTube channel. But until then, I will be typing away in my room and continuing to expand my love and knowledge of this wonderful thing called blogging.

She is even more gorgeous and sweet in person I swear!

The College Natural

P.S. Don't forget to check out Petal Boutique's online website! They have the CUTEST clothes.

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