Beyond Blessed

Everyone has days, weeks, or even months in their lives when they feel like no one cares. Sometimes it's easy to think that if you were to drop dead right now nobody would bat an eyelash. I am no exception to that rule. Especially when it comes to some of my family members outside of my immediate family, I've always felt estranged and unwanted. Oftentimes it takes a huge gesture to change someone's mindset when they think as dramatically as I do. However, that huge gesture has come in the most unexpected form.

When I decided to study abroad, I was set on doing it all by myself. I started working three jobs, I applied for a student loan, and I applied for scholarships. I started a GoFundMe as a supplement to what I was doing on my own, never expecting it to be as beneficial and crucial to this adventure as it has. I didn't think anyone would care enough to actually take money out of their own pocket to give to me to travel to another country. Boy was I wrong!

Family members and friends of the family that I've met only once or not at all were so eager to donate  to the cause. Within the first few days I had over $300. And it only increased from there. Not only were people contributing to my GoFundMe account but they were also giving my parents money or checks personally to help me. Especially in the last couple of weeks, every time I talk to my mother on the phone she's telling me about someone else and giving me their number to call and thank for a donation. By now I have raised more than enough money to get me to Italy and back and be able to thoroughly enjoy myself along the way without having to worry about not having sufficient funds.

Tomorrow is my 21st birthday. A lot of people keep asking me what I want. The answer to that is truly nothing. I have something that can never be replaced. And no I'm not talking about the money (although that is a HUGE bonus). I'm talking about the love and support from the people in my life that I so often thought didn't exist. I'm literally getting teary-eyed writing this because my heart is so full of appreciation for the amazing people in my life. Even if they couldn't donate financially, I still received a lot of encouraging words from people who insisted that I never give up and keep pushing until my dream became a reality.

Although I portray independence and I have everything together I too struggle. I struggle internally as well as externally. There were days when I didn't think that this was going to happen and the disappointment I felt in myself was too much to bear. But thanks to all of you, you gave me confidence to keep on pushing and now in exactly one week I will be boarding a plane for the first time ever to travel to Italia.

So this is me saying thank you to everyone who has offered me encouragement, money, or any other support. Thank you for not only believing in me, but giving me the power and drive to believe in myself. None of it has gone unnoticed. I don't think I can ever put into words how utterly thankful and blessed I am to have such an amazing support system. Not everyone can say that they have this. I will never ever take it for granted again.

The College Natural

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