Monthly Goals - July

Hey y'all! Sorry that I didn't post on Sunday. I was debating over whether or not I wanted to talk about the very heated debate over legalizing same-sex marriage and all of the uproar that came with it. I ultimately decided against making a post because I am so passionate about it and I didn't want to come off as rash or ignorant and consequently offend a religion. So that's that. Also Sunday was action packed so I didn't have any time to actually sit and write. But today... I have tons of time!

I think setting personal goals is extremely crucial to success. Writing them down is a visual reminder of the things that I want to accomplish in a specified amount of time. Not only is writing them down important, it's also important to have them always visible. Visibility insures accountability. So here are my goals for the month of July (that are also printed and hung in my room).

The College Natural

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