I had class this morning of course. After class a cleaning service came to clean our apartment. They literally came an hour late and left after about 20 minutes of cleaning. They did a pretty good job but they were super fast. They cleaned our kitchen, living room, and both bathrooms. They even swept and mopped. As soon as they were finished we made a quick lunch and once Veronica got to our apartment we headed to the train station.
The train station was extremely confusing and unnecessarily so. Instead of being able to just walk up to the window and get our ticket we had to get a number first then wait until our number appeared on the screen. What ever happened to just standing in a line like normal folk? And we weren't the only ones confused either. Monique, Meghan, Veronica, and I should've been hired by the train station to direct people to the kiosk where a man was handing out numbers. Once we got our tickets, we were still confused as to where we were supposed to board. Thanks to two nice old men we figured out what platform to wait for our train and how to validate our tickets.
The train ride to Pisa lasted only about an hour. We got off the train, found a map and started walking. Pisa is a pretty small town with the train station on one end and the Leaning Tower of Pisa at the other. We decided to walk instead of taking a bus so that we could get a feel for the town [and a bit of exercise too]. It was a charming little town with a lot of cute shops. The buildings looked a lot more distressed than those in Florence so I enjoyed the traditional rustic look of the town.
After 15 minutes we reached the tower and began the always interesting task of taking pictures to look like we were holding up the tower. It was actually hilarious to watch the different poses people were doing in order to take the perfect picture. However, thanks to people watching, we found an ideal spot and pose and took pictures in less than ten minutes. I thought it was going to take a lot longer so I was definitely impressed with our skills.
Once the photo shoot was finished we found gelato [what else is new?] and sat on the grass. Sitting on grass in the sun was heaven. Until I smelled, saw, and sat on it I didn't even realize that Florence was lacking in the greenery of grass. We literally sat on the grass for a little over an hour and just soaked in the sun. I also took a few more cool pictures.
Oh yeah and we made friends! These three guys who looked older than us, but acted younger, started bothering us like little brothers. Taking selfies with us in the background or even just taking pictures of us with their phones. It sounds creepy, but they were seriously harmless immature guys just having fun with the tourists [Don't worry mom and my mom's friends, I still guarded my purse and belongings with my life]. They were taking selfies with everyone. After circling us for a while they finally came over and attempted to talk to us. They barely spoke English and none of us spoke Italian so it was actually very difficult to carry on a conversation. However, we still managed it. It was mostly laughs and pictures but it was still pretty fun. I'm pretty sure making Italian friends was on my list of goals so I definitely accomplished that one today. I probably will never see them again but it's the closest I have gotten and probably will get to making Italian friends here.
Once we started getting bored and annoyed with Cristiano Rinaldo, the 11 year old, and Super Mario [inside joke] we decided to head back to the train. It was then that I realized that my camera mysteriously broke. Luckily I still have my iPhone which takes considerably good pictures. I'm upset but it's not the end of the world. I'll get it fixed when I get back to the States.
We stopped at a kebab and pizza spot on the way and I had a very questionable kebab and Sprite. It was huge and I honestly had no idea what was in it. It literally could have been anything. To make it worse, Meghan thinks she found a bug in her pizza. Yeah... I'm getting nauseous again just thinking about it.
Getting a train ticket back to Florence was slightly less confusing and complicated at the Pisa Station. The ride back was pretty relaxed despite the moment of panic when we thought we were at the right train station, hopped off, realized we were at the wrong station, and had to hurry back on before the doors closed all in ten seconds. It was actually pretty hilarious. If anyone was watching they probably thought we were on drugs or something.
Now I'm back in my apartment and showered. I had a weird anxiety episode where I got nauseous and just started feeling really anxious and my entire body got hot. Monique came in and helped talk me out of it and I'm feeling a little better than I was. I have no idea where it came from but it was no bueno. I think we're going to try to go out and have fun since we don't have class tomorrow so hopefully it will be completely gone by then. Ciao until next time!
The College Natural
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