Less than 24 Hours...

So I'm laying in bed (aka one of the couches at my parent's house) and I literally cannot sleep. Trust me, my body is plenty tired but my mind is running in circles, zig zags, and squiggly lines. I thought it would be a good idea to get all of my thoughts down at this very moment. I want to look back on this in three weeks on my way back to the U.S. to see how much they've changed.

I know I've said this thousands of times but I am scared out of mind. I honestly don't think that it's even hit me yet the adventure that I'm about to embark on. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I've worked my ass off to experience. I think that I'm the most scared about the airplane ride. I know this probably sounds silly but as a control freak who's afraid of heights, this is a big stretch for me. Luckily on my longest flight I found someone in the same program who I'm now sitting beside. I don't know her at all but it's somewhat of a familiar face (I added her on Facebook and we've been talking). Maybe I'll be used to the plane after my first flight to JFK in New York but we'll see.

I'm also extremely terrified of getting pick-pocketed. I've taken all necessary precautions: safety wallet, pouch to wear around my neck, multiple copies of all important documents, etc. I don't want this to prevent me from getting the full experience and being weary of every single person I meet. But I also could see myself having a mental breakdown if I get back to my apartment and my identity or money is gone. Even though there are ways to get everything back, you are reading the words of someone who suffers from extreme Drama Queen-ism.

I think it's really ironic that the very last thing I'm worried about is my class. I haven't even had much time to think about that portion, which is supposed to be the reason I'm going. I'm studying abroad but I'm spending more time focusing on the abroad portion than the studying portion. I guess because that's where all the memories will lie. That's the portion of this trip that I'm going to talk about on this blog, to my family and friends, and when I get back.

Lastly, I want to say that I am so beyond excited. I cannot wait to step onto Italian soil. I never once imagined me going abroad as a reality. This isn't something that a lot of people I know have experienced. And I am so blessed to be able to do this. People keep telling me to live it up and enjoy every single moment but I don't think they understand that I fully intend to do that and more. I am overjoyed that I can even have the fears mentioned above because not everybody can. Y'all please continue to pray for me on this journey... The next time you read something from me I will be in Italia!

The College Natural

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