The back-to-school season is quickly approaching [unfortunately] and it's time to let go of the lackadaisical days of the summertime. Back to cramming for tests, procrastinating papers, and waking up for those 8 a.m. classes. If your semesters are anything like mine, you know how hard it can be to keep up with due dates, meetings, appointments, and that little thing called sleep. A long time ago I began developing habits that have helped me to balance the ridiculous load I take on throughout the school year. Below are a few tried and true tips that I have when it comes to being organized, for school and for life in general!
- Agendas: I cannot stress these enough. Whether you use the calendar in your phone or you buy one like the Lilly Pulitzer one that I've been using for the past year, these are seriously lifesavers. I write down everything that I need to remember and check my agenda before I go to sleep and as soon as I wake up. This ensures that I won't forget anything important.

Save: Save everything you do, especially in school, and don't ever delete it unless you absolutely have to. I have papers and presentations saved on my Mac from years ago. I also screenshot important documents and save them to my desktop. You never know if you'll need it again. Once I graduate, I will definitely be deleting everything but for now they are there in case of an emergency.
Set Goals: I literally cannot stress the importance of goal setting enough. I always set weekly and daily goals even if it's something as small as writing 2 pages out of the 5 page paper that I have due the next week. This organizes your thoughts and makes large tasks seem accomplishable.
Email: Always, always, always set time aside each day to check, respond to, and delete old emails. 1. There's nothing ruder than having a professor or colleague waiting for weeks for you to respond to their email and 2. The less clutter in your inbox, the less clutter in your life. I know it's a pain to go through them, but just turn on some music and suck it up.
Everything Has Its Place: This is probably the most important point that I could ever make. Your life will never be organized if everything is in turmoil and out of order. If you know me it might be ironic that I'm even saying this because my room is always a disaster but that's just because I can never pick an outfit and I'm never home. However, when it comes to my schoolwork or anything important I always know where it is when I need it.
When people hear about how much I do or see my planner they always want to know how I stay organized and on track of all of my responsibilities. Feel free to leave comments below with any tips on how you stay organized!
The College Natural
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